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(More customer reviews)and settled on this one, with no regrets. It costs much less than many and is a better quality model than most of this price range. This design is the best for vibration machines. It is based on a pivot ball in the center under the platform. Other designs are piston based and go up and down from the four corners. The pivot device allows more range of movement and in more directions, up and down as well as back and fourth/side to side. The piston types are said in some reviews to be less safe for the body.
It has 20 settings for speed. It has a good sized platform compared to much smaller ones on many models. I like the open platform and prefer it to the models with arm/hand rails. I have no trouble balancing and find it allows for more positions without rails. It also takes up less room than one with handles, and the black/grey color is less ugly than many other models, so I don't hate the sight of it.
Another plus to this model is that it weighs much less than other units and I was able to carry it up stairs without assistance. It is not loud, but it may shake your floorboards if you are not on a ground floor. Depending on the construction of where you live, you may want to check to see that you will not disturb any downstairs neighbors in an older building. At some speeds it makes my desk and shelves vibrate, but nothing drastic. I do not think it can cause any structural damage to a building, I only mention this because I have lived in older buildings with thinner walls, ceilings and floors, where it might cause some notice by others. The unit is well packaged and comes through the shipping process well. It even comes with batteries for the little remote control!
These machines are said by some not to make much difference in fitness. I suspect that may be true for those in very good shape to start. I have had chronic fatigue for many years and find this is outstanding for bringing back strength and tone. I have been bed-bound for 90% of the time for many years. This has been very helpful in bringing back vigor and energy.
The very first time I used it I felt so great afterward. I actually felt taller as I walked after the first use! I think it made me stand up straighter because my back and shoulder muscles felt so enlivened by the movement. I felt stronger and in a great mood, perhaps I had an endorphin rush from the exercise. This unit is a reasonable price and good quality. I was saving for an $800 unit until I found this one. I think it is a good buy and I can have it now and get good benefits without having to wait to afford a more expensive one.
I advise talking with your doctor before use, if you have been ill. Also, resist the temptation to do too much. Ten to fifteen minutes is all one should do in a day. Like salt or alcohol, a little can be tasty or fun, improving quality of life, too much can make things bad or worse. OSHA regulates worker's exposure to vibrations on the job and limits such exposure because too much can cause damage to healthy people. Be smart, read about precautions, vibrating machines can hurt people with certain pre-existing medical conditions. TAKE IT EASY. Start slowly and do not over-do.
I use a tip from yoga practice and recover between sessions by laying flat on my back and resting until the twitching of muscles stops. Break the time into 2 to 5 minute groups, and recover for at least the same amount of time after each set. I recover 2 times the length of each set, i.e. after 5 minutes, I lay flat for 10 minutes, breathing deeply. The position is called "savasana", for those of you who wish to look it up. Recovering in this position removes buildup of lactic acid from exercise, drawing it away from the muscles through the circulatory system, avoiding cramps and soreness the next day.
I highly recommend this for anyone who's health allows, especially if there has been long periods of sedentary lifestyle. It is helping me to have the strength and energy to do more physical exercise. Best of all it works without needing to be too energetic. This gets around the dilemma of needing to exercise to feel stronger, but not being strong enough to exercise! Just the kick-start I needed! Well worth the money to "shake up" my too quiet lifestyle.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Crazy Fit Mini Massager Vibrating Fully Body Massage
Burns Fat and tones and tightens Skin - Increased fat burning because the metabolism increases by training. The vibrations reshape the body in the hip, waist and abdomen. Increases Human Growth Hormone output by up to 361%. Decreases cellulite and boosts your body's natural collagen production: The massage exercises loosen the agglutinations and results in better mobility of the tissue layers. The image of the skin will also improve, because cellulite are broken down and the connective tissue is enhanced therefore it would boost your body's natural collagen production for improved skin texture. Increase your muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks: During the training almost 100% of the muscle fibers are utilized. Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and metabolism: During training, the muscles pump blood into the smallest capillaries up to 50 times per second. This allows the cells to receive fuel more rapidly and causes waste products to be disposed of much faster. Also by enhancing your local circulation it builds a stronger immunity system. Builds Bone Density and fights osteoporosis and reduces your back and joint pains. Decreases blood Pressure Decrease your recovery time after workouts. Dramatically increase your flexibility: Due to better blood flow, heating of the muscles and the tendon stretching reflex, the body becomes much more supple and relaxed. Improved sense of balance and coordination: The receptors in the entire body are stimulated at the same time, which leads to improved coordination of the relating muscles at the same time the sense of balance are trained. Elevates stress: Causing better mood and sense of well being. It helps your relax with its vibration and it also can help you fight insomnia.
Click here for more information about Crazy Fit Mini Massager Vibrating Fully Body Massage
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